Sunday, February 25, 2007

Letter from Delara Darabi

This morning, I contacted Ms. Lily Mazahery, the human rights lawyer who is spearheading the Save Delara! campaign, about permission to post the translation of a letter from Delara Darabi, and she was gracious, as always, to grant such permission. The following is the translation of Delara's letter:

For three years, I have searched for answers within the confines of darkness. I need magnanimity without pity or forgiveness other than that which is granted to me by my God. I know that my story must end with forgiveness, yet let us leave aside for the moment that, for three years, I have struggled for my rights to no avail and I have screamed my innocence to ears that are deaf at best.

I believe that creation is born of strained circumstances: strained humanity, strained finances, strained emotions. After all, one learns to paddle for survival only when fear of drowning has set in. I am no exception to this rule.

I do not know which path you have taken to arrive at my paintings. Frankly, it is not important. For I know that it is LOVE that has led you here: love of life, love of humanity, love of belief. These paintings are proof that, even in the darkest confines of human life, there is at least the sensation of safety. After all, one can not remain a prisoner of hopes and dreams.

You, whose friendship I treasure without reason: Do pray for Delaras of far away.

Delara Darabi – Rasht Prison

(Translated from Farsi to English by Lily Mazahery. Posted with the express permission of Ms. Lily Mazahery and the Legal Rights Institute, 2007. ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THIS MATERIAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED).

You can see a flash slide show of Delara's paintings here.

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